Oliver Bullough: “Butler to the world”. Om London og russiske oligarker.

"Butler to the world" - Oliver Bullough on London and Russian Oligarchs

How did Great Britain become the servant to the world’s most powerful and corrupt men?   In his new book, Oliver Bullough describes how the fall of the British Empire created an identity crisis. What would make the British rich and powerful now? They were to become unscrupulous servants of the rich.   Oliver Bullough uses dry British humor, and P.G Wodehouses unforgettable butler figure Jeeves when he explains how Britain ingratiates themselves with the gangsters, the kleptocrats, and not least of all the Russian oligarchs. The British pride themselves on values such as fair play and the rule of law, but few countries do more to prevent global anti-corruption work, according to Bullough. It makes the UK a lot of money.  

Butler to the World is informative entertainment literature, explaining what Great Britain has sacrificed for dirty money. 

Oliver Bullough is coming to KÅKÅ|nomics to talk about this topic, which is especially topical considering the war in Ukraine and the strict economic sanctions against the Russian oligarchs – including in London. 

Oliver Bullough, British journalist, and author, also participated in 2018 at KÅKÅ|nomics in connection with the book “Moneyland”  

Moderator: Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, society editor at E24


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